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  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  1) Cursor anomalies. Try using SET CLIPPER=CGACURS if you are
     experiencing cursor anomalies. Reference: NG Environment.

  2) A 'splash of color' may remain at 0, 65 after using SETCOLOR()
     and GET. This can be eliminated by SET SCOREBOARD OFF.

  3) SETBLINK(), SETMODE() (NG Function Descriptions)
     These are environmental or screen attributes; hence, they will
     change the full screen when invoked. You may want to save the
     screen before invoking either of these functions.

     SETMODE() should be followed by a CLS or CLEAR SCREEN.
     The following routine will put the display in 50 row mode and
     turn off the cursor - on an IBM PS/2 Model 80.

        FOR nI := 1.0 to 250; NEXT    // Adjust delay as required.

     Similar programming is required when returning to 25 row mode.

     SETBLINK() is a tricky little devil. Despite the fact that its
     alleged default is .T., it may be necessary to issue SetBlink(.T.)
     before any blinking will occur. Further, it may be necessary to
     re-issue a SetColor(cVar) after the SetBlink(lVar) call. Takes
     a little experimentation <g>. Note that a string saved by
     Set(_SET_COLOR), containing an * will end up with a + in its

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson